and Significance of Management
Short Answer Type
Ans1: Management can be
defined as a process of getting the work or the task done that is required
for achieving the goals of an organisation in an efficient and effective
manner. Process implies the functions of the management. That is, planning,
organising, staffing, directing and controlling. On the other hand, effective
implies completing the given task and work while, efficient means successfully
completing the task with minimum possible cost.
Thus, management
can be defined as the process of planning, organising, staffing, directing and
controlling such that the goals of the organisation are achieved successfully
with minimum cost and resources.
Ans2: The following are the two characteristics of
i. Pervasive: Management
is pervasive to all organisations across size, characteristics and region.
That is, all
organisations whether large or small, working whether for economic, social or
political interest and in any region need management. For example, a corporate
firm requires management as does a non-profit organisation. Similarly, a hotel
needs as much management as a hospital. In addition, management is practiced by
organisations in all the countries and regions. The only difference lies in how
it is practiced by different organisations in different regions based on their
culture and traditions.
ii. Continuous Process- Management is a continuous process. That
is, the various functions of management (planning, organising,
directing, staffing and controlling) are performed simultaneously by the
managers. However, the focus or the priority of the manager may differ from day
to day. While on one day, the manger mat devotes more time towards planning,
while on other day more time may be spent on controlling.
Ans3: Ritu being the
manager of the northern division of the organisation is in the middle-level management.
She and other mangers like her act as a link between the top management and the
operational management. Her main task is to oversee the implementation of the
plans and policies formulated by the top management by directing and
supervising the functions of the lower management.
The following are
her basic functions.
Interpreting the policies
formulated by the top management.
(ii) To make sure that each department under her
division has the required personnel and staff for carrying out the assigned
To assign the necessary duties
to the persons working in various departments.
To encourage and motivate the
personnel towards achieving the goals.
(v) Coordinating with the functions of other division heads.
Ans4: Management is said to be multi-faceted concept as
it is a complex process involving not just one but various dimensions.
There are three main dimensions of management.
i. Managing the Work: The performance of a definite work forms the
basis of an organisation. With management this work is interpreted in
terms of the objectives and goals and how they are to be achieved.
ii. Managing the People: As the work is to be done by the people, managing
the people is another important dimension of management. It involves
dealing with the employees both as an individual and as groups or teams. With
management their strengths are utilised and weakness are worked upon so as to
achieve the desired objectives.
iii.Managing the Operations: Every organisation involves a production process
where the inputs are transformed into a product or a service. This
production process requires
Thus, we can say that management is a multi-faceted
process covering various dimensions simultaneously.
Ans5: The following are the basic features according to
which management can be viewed as a profession.
i. Systemised Knowledge: Management is based on a systemised and
well-defined body of knowledge comprising of principles and theories.
This knowledge can be attained through various colleges, institutes and books.
ii. Professional Association: As every profession, management is also
affiliated to a professional association that regulates the functions of
the members. For example, in India the AIMA (All India Management Association)
regulates the functioning of its member managers. However, there is no
compulsion for every manager to be member of the association.
iii. Restriction to Entry: Although no specific qualifications or degrees
are required to be a manger, however, professional knowledge in terms of
management degrees and diplomas are preferred. To some extent, this restricts
the entry of people in management as a profession.
iv. Code of Conduct: Every profession follows a particular code of
conduct that acts as a guiding principle for the ethical behavior of its
members. Through good management, the production takes place in an effective
and efficient manner and quality goods and services are provided to the society
at a fair price.
Long Answer Type:
Ans1: Management fulfills the criteria of both an art
as well as a science. The following points explain the features of
management as an art and as a science:
Management as an
Art: Management satisfies the following criteria for
it to be called an art.
(a) Existing Literature: All art forms such as music, dance presuppose a
defined body of knowledge and literature. Similarly, management also has
a lot of literature for theoretical knowledge and learning. Various theories
and principles have been developed in management. Such as Henry Fayol's
Principles of Management, Taylor's Scientific Management Theory.
(b) Dynamic Application: Art is the personalised applicability of the
existing knowledge. That is, each individual uses the basic knowledge in
his own creative way. For example, every dance form has some basic steps. These
steps are used by each dancer using his own creative manner. In a similar
manner, managers use the available theories and principles as per the situation
in their own unique manner. That is, the managers use their own creativity and
imagination for the application of the knowledge of management.
Practice and
Creativity: Art involves practice and
innovation. The artists use the existing literature as per his own
creativity and innovation. For example, two writers can describe a given
situation based on their unique interpretations. Similarly, in management, a
manager applies the theories and principles of management to different
situations as per his own creativity and imagination and sometimes even
formulates new ways to address
a situation.
Management as a Science: As a science,
management fulfills the following criteria.
(a) Systematic Body of Knowledge: Science has a specified body of knowledge which
is based on cause and effect relationship. Similarly, management has its
own body of theories and principles that are developed over years. In addition,
similar to other disciplines of science, management also has its own
(b)Theories Based on Experimentation: In science the principles and theories are
based on continuous observation and experimentation. In a same manner,
the principles of management have also developed over several years based on
repeated observations and experiments. However, as against science, in
management no exact cause and effect relationship can be established. This is
because management primarily deals with humans and human behavior. As human
behavior is subject change, so, the outcome of these theories would also vary
from one situation to another. Despite this, management fulfils this criterion
of science to some extent as the scholars have been able to identify certain
theories and principle that act as guidelines in management.
(c) Universal Validity: In science, the principles have universal
validity. In management also the theories and principles are valid to
some extent if not universal. Although the application of the theories and
their outcomes vary from situation to situation, however they act as standards
for actions in different situations. That is, these principles can be used for
the basic training of the managers.
Ans2: Although management does not satisfy all the
criteria of a profession, however, it does possess some of the
characteristics that qualify it to be a profession.
following are the characteristics of management as a profession:
i. Systemised Knowledge: Management has a systemised and well-defined body
of knowledge. It is based on several theories and principles that are
developed over years
with continuous
experimentation and observation. The knowledge of management can be attained
through various colleges, institutes and books. Management as a course is
offered by many colleges and professional institutes. For example, in India,
the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) is the premier institute of management.
ii. Restriction to Entry: Management satisfies this criterion only to some
extent. As against other professions such a doctor or a lawyer, no
specific qualification or degree are required to be a manager. That is, any
person holding any degree or qualification can be a manager. However, the entry
is restricted as persons with professional management degree or diploma are
iii.Professional Association: A professional has to be a member or should be
associated with a statutory body which is responsible for stating the
laws and authorities of that profession. For example, to practice Chartered
Accountancy, a person has to be a member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India. Similarly, management is also affiliated to a professional
association that regulates the functions of the members. In India, the AIMA
(All India Management Association) is an association for the managers. But, it
is not requisite for managers to be a part of them.
iv. Code of Conduct: Any professional has to abide by the rules and
regulations developed by the apex authority which regulates the
functions of that profession. There is a set Code of Conduct which that
professional has to follow for smooth functioning. In management also we have a
specific Code of Conduct but, it is not obligatory for the managers to abide by
them. Unlike profession where the members violating the rules are punished, no
such penalizing is done in management if the managers do not obey the standards
set by AIMA or AIPMA. However, alike other profession through management also
the society is served. Through effective and efficient management of the
organisation, quality products and services are provided at reasonable prices.
Thus, it can be
said that to some extent management satisfies the criterion for it to be called
a profession.
Ans3: Yes, Coordination
is indeed the essence of management. By Coordination, we mean a path
through which the group functions are linked up. It binds the people of the
organisation and their activities to ensure a smooth functioning of the work.
It is that force which unites the working and efforts of the people of the
organisation towards the common objective of the organisation. Coordination
links the interrelated functions of management. It is found at every level of
management. It begins right from the stage of planning where goals and
objectives are set for the organisation. Coordination is then required between
the stage of planning and staffing so that right kind of people are hired for
the execution of the plan. Next the functions of directing and controlling must
also be coordinated with each other so as to realize the achievement of desired
following points highlight the importance of coordination in management.
(a) Harmonized Goals: In
any organisation, growth is one of important goals. With growth of the
organisation, its size increases and the number of personnel also increases.
However, greater number of persons means more differences in thoughts and work
habits that may
lead to disharmony among people. Also, every individual will have his/her
personal goals which may create hindrance in achieving the organisational
goals. So, coordination is important so as to synchronize the personal and the
overall goals in one direction.
(b) Allotted Work: Each task requires specialisation to give the requisite results. For
this, every organisation hires expert for different tasks. Every
specialist approaches the tasks in his own unique manner and is generally
reluctant to take up any advice or suggestion form others. This may lead to
diversion or conflict among various specialists in the organisation. Thus,
coordination is required from an outside body such as the manager so as to
integrate their opinions and thoughts.
(c) Interdependence of Divisions: An organisation has various departments and
sub-departments such as production, sales, finance, etc. Every department works
independently and with its own policies and objectives. For example, the sales
department may want greater monetary incentives for its employees but the
finance department may not approve of such incentives as it may lead to
increase in the cost of the organisation. In this case, there arises a conflict
between the two departments. Thus, here also coordination is needed to
synchronise the activities of each department towards the achievement of common
goals of the organisation.
Hence, we see that
coordination is intrinsic and imperative for management. It is the 'essence' of
Ans4: Management is
defined as a process of getting the work or the task done that is required for
achieving the goals of an organisation in an efficient and effective manner.
Here, the two key words- efficient and effective play an important role.
Effectiveness means
completing the given work in the required time. In other words, it means doing
the right things with focus on the end result. It is a very important aspect of
management as it helps in reaching the set goals. Efficiency on the other hand,
means completing the task with minimum possible costs and resources. Efficiency
is said to increase if greater benefits are achieved using lesser resources or
even if same benefits can be derived by cutting down on resources.
For an
organisation, both effectiveness and efficiency play an equally important role
in achieving the goals. While on one hand, being effective implies actually
achieving the goals, on the other hand, being efficient would reduce the cost
and thereby, increase profits. However, often an organisation has to compromise
on one while achieving the other. That is, if the company focuses on effectiveness,
it may have to compromise on efficiency and vice-versa. For example, suppose to
complete a given task of production, the manager decides to hire more number of
workers. This would mean that he will have to give more salary which in turn
increases the total cost of production. In this case, the manager may complete
the allotted task in time but the task would lack efficiency. On the other
hand, if the manger continues to work with the available workers so as not to
increase the cost, then this would result in the delay of the project. That is,
in this case the manager compromises on effectiveness while achieving
Hence, it is necessary to
maintain a balance between effectiveness and efficiency. Undue emphasis on one
without the other is of no good for the organisation.
Ans5: In the words of
'Robert L. Trewelly and M. Gene Newport', management is defined as the process
of planning, organising, actuating, and controlling an organisation's
operations in order to achieve coordination of the human and material resources
essential in the effective and efficient attainment of objectives. Planning,
organising, directing, staffing and controlling are the five basic functions of
management that the manager has to perform simultaneously. In addition to this,
these functions are interrelated and each one is a function of the other. That
is, no function can be complete without the other ones. For example, until
planning is not done, organising cannot take place. Similarly, until right kind
of staffing is not there, then direction would not be successful.
A detailed explanation of the functions of management is as follows:
(a) Planning: Planning
implies deciding what work is to be done, who is to do it and how it is
to be done. That is, it implies the setting up of goals to be achieved and
devising the means for achieving them effectively and efficiently. It is the
stepping stone for management of any organisation. It is well said idiom that
'well planned is half done'. In addition, planning helps in predicting the
situations and choosing the best out of various alternatives to deal with the
(b)Organising: Once the plan is designed, the next step is organising. Organising
implies indentifying what tasks and resources are required for the
execution of the plan. Under organising the duties and tasks are grouped and
allotted to different departments, authority is defined and a hierarchical
structure is established in the organisation. Proper organisation leads to both
effectiveness and efficiency in the organisation.
(c) Staffing: Any
organisation requires specialised personnel for the accomplishment of the tasks.
Staffing implies hiring the right kind of people with the required qualification
for the work. Staffing is also known human resource function and includes
hiring, training and development of the people.
(d)Directing: Directing is a very important function of a manager. It deals with
guiding and steering the people working in the office. It includes
motivating them in the right direction so that they can put in their best to
achieve the goals. Directing has two important aspects- motivation and
leadership. Motivation includes setting up of right environment for the work.
Leadership on the other hand, implies getting the work done as per the
directions of the leader. This is achieved by praising and criticising the work
as and when required.
(e) Controlling: Once the above functions are done, it is necessary to control and
check that the work is moving in the right direction. It involves
measuring the actual work against the set standards and the policies. It also
ensures that the work is up-to the mark and there is no diversion or errors
from the set targets. Controlling also takes care that if there arises any
error or discrepancy then, appropriate measures are taken to rectify it. This
helps in finally achieving the goals in time, effectively and efficiently.
Thus, we can say that the functions of management
are interdependent on each other and the manager performs these functions
Multiple Choice
Ans1: (c) Cooperating is not a function
of management.
There are mainly
five functions of management- planning, organising, staffing, directing and
controlling. For the performance of these interrelated functions, the activities
of the various departments, units and individuals must be synchronized. That
is, the different departments must cooperate with each other and work in a
coordinated manner. Thus, cooperating is the means through which the management
is able to perform its functions.
Ans2: (c) Management is both an art and a science.
Management is a
science because it is based on various theories and principles which were
developed over years with continuous experimentation and observations. It is
also an art because a manager applies these theories and principles based on
his own knowledge, creativity and skill.
Ans3: (d) Policy making is not an objective of management.
It is in fact a
process that involves the setting up of goals and objectives for the organisation
and the determining the ways to achieve the desired goals. That is, it can be
said that policy making is the path through which the objectives of a
management i.e. organisational objectives (such as earning profits and growth
of the organisation), social objectives (such as providing employment) and
personal objectives can be achieved.
Ans4: (a) Policy formulation is the function of the top
level managers.
They are the ones,
responsible for developing the policies and goals for the organization. On the
other hand, middle level managers interpret these policies in terms of plans
and objectives and works towards implementing them with the help of the
operational management. The operational management as per the instructions of
the middle management directly oversees the actual work process.
Ans5: (b) Coordination is the essence of management.
It is neither a
function nor an objective of an organisation. Rather, it is intrinsic in all
the operations and functions of the management. It is a process through which
the activities of various departments and units are synchronised towards the
achievement of the common goals of the organisation. It is only through
coordination among the different functions of management that the desired goals
can be achieved.
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