Friday, April 18, 2014


Training means to give information or skill through instructions or practicals.
It is the method for increasing the knowledge and skill of the people for a specific job.
Training means to give information or skill through instructions or practicals.
It is the method for increasing the knowledge and skill of the people for a specific job.
According to  Edwin B Flippo
“ Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job”
Benefits to the organisation
1.Increased productivity
  Training increases the efficiency of the employees and thereby increase the productivity.
2.Less wastage:
  Trained workers are careful while handling machines, materials etc. They will use the machinery in a systematic manner causing less damage.
3.Reduced absenteeism:
  The main reason for labour turnover and absenteeism is job dissatisfaction. Properly trained workers will obtain satisfaction from their work. Thus training helps to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism by increasing job satisfaction among the workers.
4. Better use of resources:
  With trained workers the enterprise can apply its physical financial and other resources in a better and more economical way
Benefits to the Employee
1.Improved skill and knowledge
2.Increased performance
3.Increased efficiency
4.Job satisfaction
5. Lesser accidents
Training methods
  This is commonly used method for training the operative personnel. The workers are trained under the same type of conditions they have to work in future. Only on the job he can experience the conditions and requirements of actual work situation. It means learning by doing

Job Rotation:
  Under this method ,the trainee is moved from one job to another on a systematic and regular basis in order to improve his knowledge and skills.
  This method of training is used to provide technical knowledge and skills over a relatively long time period. Job knowledge is given through class room instructions.
  Superiors guides and instructs the trainee as a coach.
Internship training:
  Internship training  is a popular in accountancy and medical engineering and other professionals. Theory work taught in the class room and practical training is given at the actual work place.

Off the job training generally consists of conferences, seminars, lectures, group discussions , case studies, etc.


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