Nature And Purpose of Business
Economic and Non Economic
All Human beings have different types of
needs. So, in order to fulfill those needs they have to perform some or the
other activity. Human activities are classified into Economic & non
economic activities.
Those activities whose
Those activities whose
Objective is to earn money
aim is not to earn money,
and to create wealth.
but to satisfy social,
psychological and
emotional needs.
- People working in factories
- A house wife cooking
food for her family
- A teacher teaching in a
- A teacher training his/
Daughter at home.
of Business : - Business refers to those economic
activities involving the purchase production and / or sale of goods and
services with a motive of earning profit by satisfying human needs in society.
of Business :-
An economic activity : Business in
considered as an economic activity as it is undertaken with the objective of
earning money.
Production or procurement of goods and
services :- Business includes all the activities concerned with the production
or procurement of goods & services for sales. Services include transportation,
banking, Insurance etc.
Sale or exchange of goods & services
:- There should be sale or exchange of goods & service between the seller
& the buyer.
Profit Earning :- The main purpose of
business is to earn profit. A business cannot survive without making profits.
Uncertainty of return :- Every business
invests money with the objective of earning profit. However there is always a
possibility of losses.
Element of risk :- All business
activities carry some elements of risk because future is uncertain and business
has no control over several factors like, strikes, fire, theft, change in
consumer taste etc.
Comparison of Business Profession
and Employment
Economic Activities
- Fishing
- Medical (Doctor)
- Worker
Manufacturing goods
- Legal (Lawyer)
- Employee
- Mining
- Accountancy (C.A)
:- Refers
to Purchase, production and/or sale of goods & services with the
objective of earning profit.
:- Includes
those activities which require special knowledge & skills in the
Employment :- Refers
to the occupation in which people work for others and get remuneration
in return.
Basis of
Mode of Establishment
Starts after
Membership of a
Start after getting
appointment letter.
some legal
body and
formalities if
certificate of
practice required
Nature of work
Provision of
Work alloted by the
goods and
services of
employer according
services to
expert nature.
to the contract.
the public.
No minimum
Qualification and
Qualification and
training as
is necessary
traning required
prescribed by the
Capital Investment
Capital needed
Limited capital
No capital required
according to its
for establishment
nature & size
Reward /Return
Professional Fee
Salary or wage
It Involves high
The degree of
No risk in it.
risk is low
Code of conduct
No code of
The terms and
code of conduct
conditions of service
is to be followed
contract are to be
Objectives of Business :- The
objectives of business means the purpose for which a business is
established and carried on. Proper selection of objectives is essential for the
success of a business.
The businessman always have multiple
objectives. All objective may be classified into two broad categories. These
are (1) Economic objectives and (2) Social objectives.
1. Economic
Business is an conomic activity and
therefore, its purpose is to show economic results. The economic objectives of
business are follows:
Earning Profit
means excess of income over the expenditure. the
foremost and prime objective of
every businessman is to earn profit. A
business cannot survice without
earning profit. Not only for survival but it
is also required for growth and
expansion of business.
Market standing/creation of
can survive for a longer
period only if it is able to
capture a big share in the market and has market
standing. It is possible only
when business provides goods and services to
satisfy the needs and wants of
customers. Therefore, creation and
satisfaction of customers
(market) is an important objective of business.
means making new products or adding new
features to old products for
making it more useful, improving methods of
production and distribution,
exploring new markets, etc. In these days of
competition, a business can be
successful only when it creates new designs,
better machines, improved
techniques, new varieties, etc.
optimum utilisation of
resources It refers to the best use of
men, material,
money and machinery employed in
business. The resources of business are
scare so these must be utilised
in the best possible manner so that the
business can get maximum
benefit from there resources.
2. Social
Business is an integral part of society.
It makes use of resources of society. It earns profit by selling its products
or services to members of society. So it becomes obligatory on the part of the
businessman to do something for the society. The important social objective of
business are as follows :
Quality goods and services at Fair
Price : The first social objective of business is to
provide better quality product at resonable price and in proper quantity on
continuous basis to consumers.
Avoidence of Anti-Social and Unfair
trade practices : Anti-Social practices include
hoarding, black marketing and adulteration. Making false claims in
advertisements to mislead and exploit people is an example of unfair trade
practice. Business should not indulge in such practices.
Generation of Employment : Now
a days, employment is the biggest problem of society. Business should
provide employment to more and more people living in the country. Handicapped
and disabled people should be given extra care.
Employee Welfare : Employees
are a valuable asset and they make significant contributions towards the
success of business. Another social objective of business, therefore, is to
ensure welfare of employees by providing good working conditions, fair wages
and facilities such as housing, medical and entertainment etc. such welfare
facilities help to improve physical and mental health of employees.
Community service : Business
should contribute something to the society where it is established and
operated library, dispensary, educational institutions etc. are certain contributions
which a business can make and help in the development of community.
Role of Profit
in Business
is established for the purpose of earning profit. Profit plays a very important
role in business. The Role of profit in business can be brought out by the
following facts :
For Long Survival Profits
alone help a business to continue to exist for a long period. In the
absence of profit the establishment of a particular business loses its
For Growth & Expansion All
businessmen want their business to expand and to grow. For development
of business additional capital is needed. Retained earnings is a very good
source of capital. The more the profit is in a business, the more reinvestment
becomes possible.
For Increasing Efficency : Profit
is that power which motivates both the parties - owner and workers to do
their best. As they know that in case of good profits they will get good
compensation for their efforts so it finally helps in increasing the efficency
of business.
For Building Prestige and
Recognition : For gaining prestige in the society, business
has to satisfy all the parties concerned. It has to supply good quality
product/service at reasonable price to customers, adequate remuneration to
employees, to pay sufficient dividend to the shareholders etc. and all these
are possible only if the business is earning good profit.
Primary Industry : The primary industry includes those
activities through which the natural resources are used to provide raw
material for other industries. Primary industries are of two types.
(i) Extractive Industry refers to those
industries under which something is extracted out of the earth, water or
air e.g., coal, iron, gas etc.
(ii) Genetic Industry refers to those
industries under which the breed of animals and vegetables are improved
and made more useful e.g., poultry farms, agriculture, dairy farming, tree
planting etc.
Secondary Industry :- Under this industry new products are manufactured
by using the previously produced things e.g., producing cotton is a primary
industry and manufacturng cloth out of cotton is a secondary industry. It is of
two types.
Manufacturing :- These
industries convert raw materials or semi finished products into finished
products e.g., paper from bamboo, sugar from sugar cane. It is futher be
divided into four parts.
Analytic :- Different
things are manufactured out of one material e.g., petrol, diesel,
gasoline out of crude oil.
Processing : Those
industries wherein useful things are manufactured by making the raw
material to pass through different production process e.g., steel from iron
Synthetic :- Many
raw materials are mixed to produce more useful product e.g., paints,
Assembling :- Where
in the parts manufactured by different industries are assembled to
produce new and useful product e.g., computers, watches etc.
Tertiary or Service Industry :- Includes
those services which help business to move smoothly e.g. transport,
bank, Insurance, storage and Advertising.
Meaning : Commerce
refers to all those activities which are concerned with the transfer of
goods and services from the producers to the consumers. It embraces all those activities
which are necessary for maintaining a free flow of goods and services. The
functions of commerce are as follows.
the hindrance of person.
removes hindrance of place.
and warehousing activities remove the hindrance of time.
removes hindrance of risk.
removes hindrance of finance.
removes hindrance of information.
includes two types of activities.
: Refers
to buying and selling of goods and services with the objecive of earning
profit. It is classified into two categories.
Internal Trade :- Takes
place withn a country. Internal trade is classified into two categories
wholesale trade and retail trade.
Retail Trade : Refers
to buying of goods and services in relatively small Quantities and
selling them to the ultimate consumers.
External Trade :- Trade
between two or more countries. External trade can be classified into
three categories.
Import Trade :- If
goods are purchased from another country, it is called import trade.
Export Trade :- If goods are sold to other
countries it is called export trade.
Entrepot Trade :- Where
goods are imported for export to other countries e.g. Indian firm may
import some goods from America and export the same to Nepal.
Auxiliaries to Trade :- All
those activies which help in removing various hindrances which arise in
connection with the production and distribution of goods are called auxiliaries
to trade. An overview of these activties is given below.
Transportation and Communication :-
production of goods takes place at one place where as these are demanded
in different parts of the country. The obstacle of place is removed by the
transport. Along with transport communication is also an important service. It
helps in exchange of information between producers, consumers and traders. The
common communication services are postal service, telephone, fax, internet etc.
Banking and Finance :- Business
needs funds for acquiring assets, purchasing raw materials and meeting
other expenses. Necessary funds can be obtained from a bank.
Insurance :- It
provides a cover against the loss of goods, in the process of transit,
storage, theft, fire and other natural calamities.
Warehousing :- There
is generally a time lag between the production and consumption of goods.
This problem can be solved by storing the goods in warehouses from the time of
production till the time they are demanded by customers.
Advertising :- Advertising
brings goods and services to the knowledge of prospective buyers. It is
through advertising that the customers come to know about the new products and
their utility.
Risk :- The term business risk refers to possibility of
inadequate profits or even losses due to uncertainties e.g., changes in
tastes and preferences of consumers, strike, increased competition, change in
Government policy etc. These are of two types speculative & pure.
Nature of
Business Risks :-
Business risks arise due to
uncertainties :- Natural calamities, change in demand and prices, change in
technology etc. are some of the examples of uncertainty which create risks.
Risk is an essential part of every
business :- No business can avoid risk. Risk can be minimised but can not be
Degree of risk depends mainly upon the
nature and size of business :- For small scale business it is less and for
large scale business it is more.
Profit is the reward for risk taking :-
An entrepreneur assumes risks and in consideration he gets reward which is
called profit. Greater the risk higher is the chance of profit.
Causes of
Business Risk :-
Natural causes : They are beyond human
control e.g., flood, earthquake, heavy rains, famine etc.
Human causes : It include carelessness
or negligence of employees e.g., theft, strikes, riots, misappropriation of
cash and goods etc.
Economic causes : They are related to a
chance of loss due to change in market condition e.g., fluctuations in demand
and prices, competition, change in technology etc.
Physical causes : Mechanical defects or
failures may also lead to losses e.g., bursting of boiler or machine may cause
death or destruction.
Other causes : These include unforeseen
events like political disturbances, fluctuation in exchange rates etc.
Starting a
Business :- Basic Factors
Selecting the line of business : - The
first thing to be decided by the entrepreneur is the line and type of business
to be undertaken.
Scale or size of business :- After
deciding the line of business the businessman must decide whether he wants to
set up large scale or small scale business.
Choice of form of Business organisation
:- The next decision must be taken is to finalise the form of business i.e., to
set up sole proprietorship., partnership or joint stock company.
Location of Business Enterprise :- The
entrepreneur has to decide the place where the enterprise will be located.
Before taking this decision he must find out availability of raw materials,
power, labour, banking, transportation etc.
Financial Requirement : The businessman
must analyse the amount of capital he might require to buy fixed assets and for
working capital (Day to day expenses) Proper financial planning must be done to
determine the amount of funds needed.
Physical facilities : include machinery,
equipment building etc. This decision depends upon the size, scale and type of
business activities he wants to carry on.
Plant layout :- Showing the physical
arrangement of machines and equipment needed to manufacture a product.
Competent and committed workforce :- The
entrepreneur must find out the requirement of skilled and unskilled workers and
managerial staff to perform various activities.
Tax planning :- The entrepreneur must
try to analyse the types of taxes because there are a number of tax laws in the
country which affect the functioning of business.